该名护士要求我宽衣,我“啊?” 了一声,睁大双眸呆呆地望着她愣了一下,才回神过来“哦!”了一声,就开始解开衣服纽扣,摘开领带时也不小心把头发给弄乱了。那护士也不识相,一直目不转睛地盯着我看,还我不觉地红了双颊。可能给予太紧张,我左手腕的纽扣靠着我的右手怎么解也解不开(当时我穿着长袖正式衬衫)。护士噗了一声笑了一下,就问我需不需要帮忙。可想而知我当时的表情应该很狼狈吧。现在回想起来好想死哦。我只好低着头,搔搔后脑,伸出左手让她帮忙解扣子,由于当时气氛有点僵,我尴尬的把眼珠转向别处。才一下子,扣子就被她纤细且灵活的手指给解开了。我微微的对她笑了一下,说了声谢谢。她把我衣服吊了起来,我当时还心想到底要不要脱裤子,因为第一次照X光,我好担心要再一个陌生人前全裸哦。不,等等,斜眼看过去另一个角落去,发现不止一位护士,在房里的另一端还有其他数名护士,也不时的地偷看我,然后交头接耳的。这让我浑身不自在,幸亏我身材并不丢脸,这近几个月有上健身房锻炼一下,虽然精瘦,可是还有些摆得上台面的肌肉线条。
不久后,柜台处的一名印度女护士呼唤了我的名字,我走了过去,她不停的注视着我,我接过我的X光检查报告,冲着她笑了一下,然后带上太阳眼镜,潇潇洒洒的走向医院大门去,到我先前验尿量血压的私人诊所去交报告。对,我的身体检查都在不同地方,这让我耗了整个下午的时间,几乎把我累垮了。不过,我觉得我身体健康并没有问题,通过审核应该没问题的。下个星期一就开始上班噜,各位请祝福我新事业顺顺利利,人生的下一个阶段有着美好的未来吧。 =D
Friday, August 10, 2012
Friday, February 18, 2011
Anything happened in Black Pearl
1. I saw an indian woman spoke fluent french with my boss, I am impressed. She left RM10 tips for me before she leave, I immediately fall for her liaw, LOL, joke. How realistic I am =P
2. I saw a little girl, around 10 years old I guess. She was drinking GUINNESS !!! In fornt of her parent somemore. Actually she took the glass from her daddy, and her daddy just allowed. It was almost half pine of it!! (for your knowledge, 1 pine of beer is 500ml). LOL
3. I saw the Quantan 'Coffin Boy' (棺材仔) discussing about the expansion of his temple. There were papers all over a big table, and the engineer is showing the whatever construction plan to him. What a rich guy..
4. Have you guys heard about a cocktail named 'Grave Yard' ? My boss told me that, the reason why it named Grave Yard is because if u drink it, you will go into Grave Yard. Try to google it for the ingredients of Grave Yard cocktail. I was shocked when i saw the making of it, and there are people ordered it today!!! Crazy cocktail...
Monday, December 27, 2010
过后就突然想去烫发, 也该是时间了, 头发厚到好像公狮子酱 = =
11点多出发, 以为七早八早到就不用等,结果一到达就看到一堆auntie在那边等了(不是什么高级saloon,只是auntie saloon来的)
在那边看一些过期杂志,不知不觉已经一点了, 终于到我的说。
伸个懒腰,到镜子前坐下, 就洗头, 洗好吹好后,就上直发膏咯~
WTF!? 有没有酱衰哦!
老板娘就说, 先上完直发膏, 可能等下电源就接回了。
冲完水, 抹干后,还是没电!!
只好等咯, what can i do?
过了15分钟, 真的不行了,一定要开始烫了, 怎么办呢?
老板娘竟然收拾好必备的器材, 教我载她去她亲戚家帮我烫!!!
然后坐在一堆剩菜剩饭的餐桌那 = =
因为男生头发比女生短, 很容易烫到皮肤
你们试试想象下, 你在一个陌生人的家做离子烫 = =
oh no... jesus, u've gotta be kidding me..
因为发廊很多人, 她姐不够人手,叫她回去店里帮我烫。。。
what can i do ?
走出屋子,驾车回去 = =
回到去,打开店门, 一堆人看着我满头发夹,烫发烫到一半酱走进去,
老板娘一边烫,我肚子一边响, 又是尴尬的画面 = =
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Finally Finally FINALLY!!!!
Its been two years~~ and now I finally got my official driving license and get rid of P license
hmmmm... started to think back the memories of my car accident. LOL
I had 3 times just so you know.
The very first time I had my car accident is the last day of my SPM exam. My friends and I decided to celebrate the last day of SPM at night. It was my first time to drive alone and then I met a very hard situation~ for amatuer laa. It was a T-junction, and the road was busy. I was slow and .... the motorbike bang my car because it had no time to stop. It was my fault, fortunately, the motorcyclist din't injured!! Thank God... However, I have to make it up. The next day, my mum had cleaned up my mess. Mummy I love you ~
The second time.....its unforgetable.
Because it was the 3rd day of Chinese New Year 2009. And it was really really terrifying.
After I finish my part time job in the afternoon, I drive to my granma house. On the highway, I was driving really fast, and then a stupid motorbike made a U-turn and suddenly get in my way. I was on the left side way and the motor supposely follow back her right side way. I can't stop my car and "BANG". I saw a big butt rolled on my car mirror and dropped in front of me. I was shocked. The motorbike already fly into a "longkang" by the way. The victim was very injured and was sent to hospital. According to Law, it's not my fault. Luckily, my dad was sitting beside me, and he has settled this horrible tragic.
And the 3rd time, I hope it is the last time....
It happened on my friend birthday. And my another friend crashed my car, luckily its just my signal light 'injured'. not really a big deal though and it wasn't my fault as well . But I consider it as a small car accident though.
And now, I finally holding a official license, I wish no more accident happen to me again. I really scare the sound of car crashing car. It really horrible and might cause you nightmares.....
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Vampire Kid
Sometimes, i wonder since when people start to call me as a vampire. Of course, I do like vampires personally. Is it after the 'Twilight' movie released? I suppose so...
What are the similarities between me and Cullens?
Well, people are based on few points to identify me as a vampire.
Firstly, my appearance:
I do look pale with fair skin, like 24 hours sicking. This pale looking has been followed me since i was born. Since I was young, teachers always ask:" Are you okay? You look sick." I also don't know why, it's juz be in this way.
Secondly, my black eyes circles. When they combine with my pale face, I look like a dead people!! A living non-living thing. LOL. I have insomnia since i was kindergarden. I always sleep at very midnight. And now, after I study in college, I don't have to wake up in the morning to go to school anymore, I sleep when the sun rise ...... Sunset time is my waking time, I barely can see sun more than 2 hours, most of the days. This is another reason people call me a vampy.
Once you have been called vampire, people will start thinking that you are a carnivor. Thats wrong!! I don't really like to eat meat, ermm.... I should say I will only eat the meat that I like only. I can survive without meat for a week though. But, people still calling me vampire is because I like to eat TOMATO!!
HUH!? Why eating tomato also can be called a vampire? Some people said that tomato got the taste of blood, they don't like it. I was thinking... " Come on guys... its juz tomato, I only taste sweet and sour in it!" Gosh....
That's how vampire become my nickname.... but i am buying it. Honestly, I wish to become vampire though, young forever, immortalbility, powerful and with special abilities. =D
Of course, it will not comes true, hehehe. I guess I am too obssesed with the vampires.
My first blog ever....
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