Sometimes, i wonder since when people start to call me as a vampire. Of course, I do like vampires personally. Is it after the 'Twilight' movie released? I suppose so...
What are the similarities between me and Cullens?
Well, people are based on few points to identify me as a vampire.
Firstly, my appearance:
I do look pale with fair skin, like 24 hours sicking. This pale looking has been followed me since i was born. Since I was young, teachers always ask:" Are you okay? You look sick." I also don't know why, it's juz be in this way.
Secondly, my black eyes circles. When they combine with my pale face, I look like a dead people!! A living non-living thing. LOL. I have insomnia since i was kindergarden. I always sleep at very midnight. And now, after I study in college, I don't have to wake up in the morning to go to school anymore, I sleep when the sun rise ...... Sunset time is my waking time, I barely can see sun more than 2 hours, most of the days. This is another reason people call me a vampy.
Once you have been called vampire, people will start thinking that you are a carnivor. Thats wrong!! I don't really like to eat meat, ermm.... I should say I will only eat the meat that I like only. I can survive without meat for a week though. But, people still calling me vampire is because I like to eat TOMATO!!
HUH!? Why eating tomato also can be called a vampire? Some people said that tomato got the taste of blood, they don't like it. I was thinking... " Come on guys... its juz tomato, I only taste sweet and sour in it!" Gosh....
That's how vampire become my nickname.... but i am buying it. Honestly, I wish to become vampire though, young forever, immortalbility, powerful and with special abilities. =D
Of course, it will not comes true, hehehe. I guess I am too obssesed with the vampires.
My first blog ever....