Friday, February 18, 2011

Anything happened in Black Pearl

1. I saw an indian woman spoke fluent french with my boss, I am impressed. She left RM10 tips for me before she leave, I immediately fall for her liaw, LOL, joke. How realistic I am =P

2. I saw a little girl, around 10 years old I guess. She was drinking GUINNESS !!! In fornt of her parent somemore. Actually she took the glass from her daddy, and her daddy just allowed. It was almost half pine of it!! (for your knowledge, 1 pine of beer is 500ml). LOL

3. I saw the Quantan 'Coffin Boy' (棺材仔) discussing about the expansion of his temple. There were papers all over a big table, and the engineer is showing the whatever construction plan to him. What a rich guy..

4. Have you guys heard about a cocktail named 'Grave Yard' ? My boss told me that, the reason why it named Grave Yard is because if u drink it, you will go into Grave Yard. Try to google it for the ingredients of Grave Yard cocktail. I was shocked when i saw the making of it, and there are people ordered it today!!! Crazy cocktail...

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